Diocese of East Carolina Education for Ministry

Mentor Training
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Mentor Training
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Want Mentor Training?

EfM groups work under the leadership of mentors who contract to serve as guides and administrators. They are not teachers in the traditional sense who are expected to impart information about the Christian tradition. The role of the teacher is built into the program materials.

As administrator of an EfM group, the mentor is the person through whom the group communicates with the Programs Center. A mentor must work as an enabler rather than as an informer of people. Mentors may be lay or ordained persons. Criteria by which mentors are selected include: having experience in serious religious study, having a familiarity with methods of biblical scholarship, possessing a mature faith, being able to live with the ambiguity within the interpretations of the biblical tradition, possessing skills which help a group to develop its own life, and demonstrating a willingness to perform administrative duties.


 Mentor Training will be held at Trinity Center's Pelican House on:
June 4-6, 2015 - Basic/In Service
September 17-19, 2015 - Formation 

Click here to download a registration form.

Training events are also held at Sewanee and in other Dioceses every month.
For the most current information about mentor training events outside the Diocese of East Carolina,

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